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Bhakti Shatak
November 13, 2022
1 min

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj’s Bhakti Shatak (or 100 verses on devotion) is a straightforward and to-the-point explanation of the devotional path for anyone seeking Divine love.

Bhakti Shatak dives deep into the philosophies of the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, and the Brahma Sutra. Additionally, he explores the writings of Rasik Saints Roop Goswami, Sanatan Goswami and Jeev Goswami.

Verse 1

Advitiya ik tatva hai, Radha tatva pradhan. Yako dujo roop hai, svayam Krishna Bhagavan.

The most supreme form of Divinity is Shri Radha, who encompasses the absolute essence of Divine love. Her manifestation is Krishna.

Radha and Krishna are one and the same. Like milk and its whiteness cannot be separated, or fire and its heat are indistinguishable, Radha and Krishna are one entity. However, for the sake of their pastimes, They have taken on two forms.

Verse 2

Joi Radha soi Krishna hain, in men bhed na maan. Ik hain hladini shakti aru, shaktiman ik jaan.

Radha and Krishna are one. They are not different entities. Radha is the supreme ahaladini shakti, while Krishna is shaktiman- the base of power for Radha. In the same way that a lamp needs oil to keep.

Verse 3

Shaktiman ki shaktiyan, aganit yadapi bakhan. Tin mahan ‘maya’, ‘jeev’ aru, ‘para’, trishakti pradhan.

The supreme god, Shri Krishna, who is all-powerful, has uncountable powers. Out of these, His three main powers are: maya, the souls, and para shakti. Para shakti is his own personal power.

Verse 4

Jeev tatastha shakti par, maya kar adhikar. Vastutastu yah das hai, Swami Nandkumar.

Jeev shakti, or soul energy, has always belonged to Tatastha Shakti—Krishna’s neutral power. However, all souls have been under the control of maya since time immemorial. However, the soul’s true identity is that of an eternal servant of Krishna.

Verse 5

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